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Other international agreements

2018-11-09 10:30:47

1.UNESCO Regional Conventions on the Recognition of Qualifications

In the 1970s and 1980s, UNESCO adopted six international standard-setting instruments that set forth the principles and norms concerning the recognition of higher-education qualifications at the regional level. It was followed by a recommendation at the inter-regional level in 1993.

Since then, a second generation of revised conventions have been developed at the regional level. Some have already come into force or are awaiting ratification by a minimum number of UNESCO Member States, and others are still at the drafting stages.
At the inter-regional level, the UNESCO Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications, whose development is ongoing, will supersede the 1993 Recommendation on the Recognition of Studies and Qualifications in Higher Education. The global convention is expected to be presented at the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference for decision/adoption by Member States in November 2019. Get more information on the proposed global convention.
UNESCO General Conference for decision/adoption by Member States in November 2019. Get more information on the proposed global convention.
These conventions constitute a unique legal framework, and 140 Member States have ratified, acceded to, or approved more than one convention. The conventions are focused on allowing the recognition of qualifications in higher education between “States Parties” (signatory states), subject to national legislation, for academic and professional purposes. At present, the conventions refer solely to the mutual recognition by signatory states of qualifications issued by educational institutions that are part of the education system of a UNESCO Member State.

You will find the legal instrument and regional point of contact for each UNESCO region listed below.

UNESCO region

Legal instrument

Regional point of contact


Revised Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and Other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in African States 2014


Arab States

Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab States 1978


Asia and the Pacific

Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education 2011

UNESCO Bangkok

Europe and North America

For more information, consult CAED's Lisbon Recognition Convention section.


Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean 1974

UNESCO Santiago

Mediterranean Region

Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees in Higher Education in the Arab and European States Bordering on the Mediterranean 1976

Mediterranean Recognition Information Centres (MERIC) Network

2. UNESCO global convention on the recognition of higher-education qualifications

Since 2012, UNESCO, in collaboration with its Member States, has undertaken a project to draft a new Global Convention on the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications.

This Global Convention would encompass all countries and support:

. enhancement of higher education

. growth in student mobility

. the recognition of academic credentials as a global right

. international consistency in recognition procedures and

. increased international cooperation

Consultation process

UNESCO has undertaken extensive consultations with Member States since 2013 to gather comments and suggested amendments to the draft version of the Global Convention. Throughout this process, provincial and territorial governments provided comments to inform Canada's position.

  • 1. in June 2017, the consultation focused on the initial draft text.
  • 2. in November 2017, a second version of the draft text was discussed at the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference. For more information, consult CMEC's Report of the Canadian Delegation.
  • 3. in March 2018, UNESCO consulted with Member States on the text of the third draft of the proposed Global Convention. Provincial and territorial governments were invited to submit comments on the text to CAED. Canada's position was then transmitted to UNESCO through Global Affairs Canada.
  • Timelines
  • At the 39th Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 2017, Member States agreed on timelines to have the final text ready for the 40th Session of the UNESCO General Conference in November 2019. The Global Convention would then be ready for signature by Member States.

The provincial and territorial ministries/departments responsible for education in Canada are closely following any future discussions.
For more information, consult UNESCO's Web site.

3.Other education-related international agreements
UNESCO Member States collaborated to draft and adopt the three following education-related recommendations:

For more information, consult UNESCO's Web site .

At the pan-Canadian level and through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), ministries/departments responsible for education in Canada collaborate to further international cooperation. For more information, consult CMEC's Web site .

At the provincial and territorial level, ministries/departments responsible for education have signed international agreements directly with one or more jurisdictions, countries or regions to further international cooperation. For more information, consult provincial and territorial ministries/departments' Web site .

At the educational institution level, students may be offered opportunities to gain international experience during their studies. This is generally possible through international cooperation agreements by the institutions, such as:

  1. 1. operating a branch campus;
  2. 2. undertaking a franchise arrangement;
  3. 3. undertaking a formal agreement for a:
twinning program;
joint degree or joint program;
one- or two-semester student exchange program;

field study.

4.Other profession-related international agreements

Some international agreements are in place to facilitate the recognition of academic credentials and professional qualifications to work in or outside Canada. This is generally possible through international cooperation agreements on the mutual recognition of:

  • an academic credential, and thus its academic program; and/or
  • a professional qualification.
Such agreements are often known as mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) and are negotiated:

  • between two or more jurisdictions, countries, or regions,
  • such as the:
  • Canada-European Union: Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA);
    Québec-France Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications.
  • by regulatory authorities or professional associations in Canada with other organizations outside Canada.